Jesuit Centre Urumuri
Jesuit Urumuri Centre (JUC) is a social initiative of the Jesuit fathers (Compagnie de Jésus au Rwanda), a religious organization operating in Rwanda. The Jesuits were officially recognized by the Government of Rwanda in 1969 by a Ministerial Order n˚16/01 of 17/02/1969 published in the Official Journal of 1/03/1969. They got a New Legal Personality n˚ 73/08.11 from the Rwanda
Governance Board and their new statutes were published in the Official Gazette, n˚ Special of 31/12/ 2013.
JUC blends wisdoms from Ignatian spirituality and Catholic Social Thought to provide faith-inspired analysis of social challenges that affect people in Rwanda. For the past 25 years or so, the work of JUC has revolved around promotion of dialogue through platforms such as conferences and documentation materials covering issues of national interest like inter-religious dialogue, reconciliation and gacaca jurisdictions. At times, JUC has also run programs on value education for children and young adults.
The Jesuit fathers in the world are best known for their outstanding contribution in education sector, social justice advocacy and spiritual exercises. This threefold pole of intervention has characterized and continues to define the work of the Jesuits for about 500 years and counting. Their long presence in the public scene has touched lives of many generations and their relatively recent presence in Rwanda aligns with their long history of dedicated life and raison d’être to the intrinsic welfare of humanity.
It is in line with the above that in 2016 JUC revised its strategic areas of intervention and sought to expand its horizons. The Centre is now committed to discerning appropriate solutions to social justice issues such as economic disparity, youth unemployment, migration wave of refugees, and challenges of gender bias which still threaten the general social fabric.
Therefore, building on the wealth of experience of the Jesuit fathers in the promotion of social justice and dignity of human persons, JUC remains committed to devising effective and far-reaching mechanisms that respond to the deep-seated problems of Rwandan communities through interventions that cater for the welfare of the vulnerable and the safeguard of the dignity of persons from all walks of life. To this end, to ensure the materialization of its sought-after vision, a threefold approach guides the Centre’s operations, namely: formation in human dignity and values, social empowerment for the youth and the vulnerable population, and research and publication.
Service Yezu Mwiza
Service Yezu Mwiza is located in Bujumbura, Burundi. By means of economical, psycho-social and medical supporting activities, SYM supports individuals infected and affected by HIV/AIDS and those who might be at risk of contracting the disease and other sexually transmitted diseases. SYM promotes universal access to reproductive health information and responsible parenting to youth, including religious youth animators, and single mothers.
Of recent, SYM has enlarged its horizons seeking to reach more youth in the eight provinces of the country in a program funded by CARE-International. SYM plays a crucial role in the prevention of HIV/AIDS and the care for people infected with HIV thanks to a strategy called ‘Mobile Clinic’ in the whole province of Bujumbura and the outskirts of the City of Bujumbura.